Celebrating International School Meals Day
Better nutrition, better learning.
Today we’re celebrating international school meals day to raise awareness of good nutrition for all children, regardless of their circumstances.
We’re proud to support schools, parents and schoolchildren in the UK by enabling schools to promote and drive healthy meal uptake through our cashless systems, which not only ensures lunch money is spent on nutritious food, but helps to stop students purchasing junk food outside of the school gates.
George Spencer Academy students, Nottingham
One such school is George Spencer Academy in Nottingham. By implementing sQuid, the health-conscious Academy promoted healthy eating and encouraged students to stop spending their money on unhealthy food and drinks on the way to school, resulting in better nutrition for students.
Click here to view the George Spencer Academy case study >
Our work in supporting schools, parents and schoolchildren is not just restricted to the UK. In Africa, we support over 200 schools in rural Kenya through iMlango. iMlango, our pioneering eLearning programme, impacts over 150,000 primary school children, including 68,000 marginalised girls, by providing access to education resources.
iMlango students, Kenya
An important aspect of the programme is ensuring girls who are marginalised through poverty and other socio-economic factors, such as early marriage or being sent to work to help their family pay for food, are supported and given the chance to go to school and progress their education.
Using sQuid's payment system, iMlango provides small cash payments to the families of girls who are most in need of support - to ensure that they have enough money to pay for food - so the girls do not have to go to school hungry, or worse, not go to school at all. There are currently over 10,000 beneficiaries of this initiative, and we are extremely proud that we're able to make a real difference to their lives as we continue to help families provide better meals, which in turn results in better education for their children.
Parents hold up their iMlango card after purchasing food from the local shop
For more information on our work in Kenya, please visit imlango.com
Or for more information on the International School Meals Day campaign, please visit internationalschoolmealsday.com